General Dance Information

  • International Latin: Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Samba, Paso Doble and Jive
  • American Rhythm: Cha Cha Cha, Rumba, Bolero, Mambo, and Swing
  • International Standard: Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep and Tango
  • American Smooth: Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Viennese Waltz (Peabody optional in U.S.I.S.T.D. Syllabus)
  • Specialty Dances: Salsa (many styles), Merengue, Single time Swing, West Coast Swing, Hustle, Balboa, Jitter Bug, Lindy Hop

  • Dance Time and Tempo
    International Latin
    Rumba: 4/4 timing. Tempo 27 bars/minute
    Cha Cha Cha: 4/4 timing. 30 bars/minute
    Samba: 2/4 timing. Tempo 50 bars/minute
    Paso Doble: 2/4 timing. Tempo 62 bars/minute
    Jive: 4/4 timing. Tempo 44 bars/minute

    American Rhythm
    Cha Cha Cha: 4/4 timing. Tempo 30 bars/minute
    Rumba: 4/4 timing. Tempo 32-36 bars/minute
    Bolero: 4/4 timing. Tempo 24-26 bars/minute
    Mambo: 4/4 timing. Tempo 48-51 bars/minute
    Swing: 4/4 timing. Tempo 34-36 bars/minute

    International Standard
    Waltz: ¾ timing. Accent on first beat
    Foxtrot: 4/4 timing 28-30 bars/minute. Accent on first and third beat
    Quickstep:4/4 timing Accent on first and third beat
    Tango: 2/4 timing. Accent on both beats

    American Smooth
    Foxtrot: 4/4 timing. Accent on first and third beat. Tempo 32-34 bars/minute
    Waltz: ¾ timing. Accent on first beat. Tempo 30-32 bars/minute
    Tango: 4/4 timing.Accent on first and third beat. Tempo 30-32 bars/minute
    Viennese Waltz: ¾ timing. Accent on first beat. Tempo 54 bars/minute

    DANCE POSITIONS (Reference ISTD International Latin Manuals)
    Closed Position: Facing partner, slightly apart. Holds: Normal, lt to rt hand, rt to left hand, no hold.
    Contact position: Facing partner. Light body contact.
    Open position: Facing partner. Arms length apart. Lt to Rt hand hold.
    Promenade position: Lady on man’s rt side with man’s rt side and lady’s left toward each other and opposite sides farther apart to form "V" shape.
    Open promenade position: Promenade position with rt to lt , lt to rt hand hold or no hold. Distance apart varies on figure danced.
    Fan position: (used in International Cha Cha Cha and Rumba) Lady at 90 angle to man on his left side on an imaginary line approx. 6 inches in front of him. Lt hand holding lady’s rt hand. Man’s feet apart, wt on rt ft, lady lt ft back, weight on lt ft.
    Open counter promenade position: Lady on man’s lt side. Man’s lt side and lady’s rt side towards each other and opposite sides farther apart to form "V" shape.
    Right Side Position: Lady on Man’s right side both facing same way.
    Left side position: Lady on Man’s left side, both facing the same way.

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